Shero Games is a Los Angeles-based gaming company on a mission to build diverse mobile, PC, and Roblox games that feature women and girls of color as the main protagonists. Currently, women make up 48% of gamers, but only make up 6% of standalone protagonists in mainstream video games — this is unacceptable!

Shero Games is working to fix this problem with the launch of our female-centered gaming company. Over the past seven years, we’ve been creating best-selling female-led comic book IPs through our parent company, Shero Comics. Today, we are leveraging these IPs with technology and reimagining them as thrilling online games.

Our inaugural game, “Rayven Choi: Reapers Run,” is an infinite runner based on our award winning Korean-African-American graphic novel Rayven Choi. The game will be available for download on all mobile and PC platforms in early 2024. Join our newsletter to get updates on our launch date and special events.