Shero Games, Empowered by JP Morgan Chase

With so many comic book IPs on our hands, it’s always been our end game to continue building Shero Comics by adding our gaming division, Shero Games. In late 2021, we received a huge boost of confidence in our mission after being selected for the Los Angeles cohort of the digitalundivided Breakthrough program powered by JP Morgan Chase.

Our cohort was a bit of a bootcamp that helped give us the tools to scale our company. The program also provided us with a $5,000 grant to go towards building the prototype for Rayven Choi: Reaper’s Run which you can now see on our home page. We are super thankful to digitalundivided and JP Morgan Chase for believing in our vision and look forward to using what we learned to make Rayven Choi: Reaper’s Run, into a major success.

Below is a fun Shero Games moment from our graduation ceremony.